
Practice Areas

Solutions that serve families. Building bonds, finding peace.

Experience a different kind of divorce.
Negotiated agreements are at the core of Holcomb Legal’s efficient approach to divorce representation. This strategic thinking ensures a process that is streamlined and focused on results. Our focus on agreement-driven outcomes reflects our commitment to smart legal practice, prioritizing the needs and interests of our clients while avoiding unnecessary litigation.
Be more than a client. Be a part of the team.
At Holcomb Legal, we’re committed to helping you understand the divorce process, treating you as a valued partner in your case. We value your input and involve you in every decision, recognizing that your insights are essential to achieving a successful outcome. With us, you’re more than just a client; you’re part of the team.
Preserving and growing relationships.

Our focus is on creating lasting, nurturing solutions that facilitate positive relationships between parents and children, recognizing the importance of stability and love in a child’s life. Every day with your child is important, and we want you to have as many with them as possible. 

Your child comes first.
Custody is more than a legal issue; it’s about your child’s life. We create lasting parenting agreements that you can rely on year after year. Truly, this is the heart of our practice. We know that every day with the child you love counts more than anything.

Child Support

Fair agreements only.
Holcomb Legal’s approach to child support is rooted in the belief that fair and thoughtful agreements serve the best interests of everyone involved. Our philosophy is to negotiate these commitments collaboratively, prioritizing agreements that reflect the unique needs and aspirations of each family.
Using foresight to plan for all circumstances.
We take a comprehensive approach that accounts for the full spectrum of a child’s needs, from basic essentials to extraordinary circumstances like specialized medical care or educational opportunities.


Establishing relationships for mothers.
We recognize the vital importance of securing child support and sharing parenting responsibilities. We believe in the importance of connecting a child with the support they deserve, both financially and emotionally.
Establishing relationships for fathers.
Holcomb Legal’s approach to paternity is rooted in the understanding of a father’s unique relationship with their child. We understand the significance of establishing paternity for fathers eager to be actively involved in their child’s life.


Circumstances change. Your court orders should, too.
We approach these cases with the understanding that life changes, and legal agreements must evolve accordingly. Each unique situation is handled with a balance of legal expertise and human understanding.
Expanding your rights at the right time.

Our Post-Decree Modifications practice is rooted in a philosophy that values the growth of parental rights to custody. We work closely with clients to negotiate adjustments that reflect their desire to enhance their connection with their child.





Meeting needs when they arise.
Holcomb Legal’s guardianship practice is deeply committed to creating secure and nurturing environments for those in need of protection. Our focus is on creating guardianship agreements that truly serve the needs of those under protection, working closely with clients to understand their unique situations.
Protecting and caring for your loved ones.​
Guardianship is about human connections and the responsible care of those in need. We recognize the profound significance of guardianship, and we are committed to crafting lasting solutions that provide protection and support, reflecting the core values of our firm.

Reviews From Our Clients

I was reunited with my daughter and finally found someone to stand up for me.

Child Custody
We successfully saved and retrieved what my ex stole. A fair division of assets would have been impossible without you.
Got my kiddos out of an abusive situation!

Child Custody

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